Edge Compute Comments Policy

Thank you for participating in our discussions! To ensure a respectful and productive online environment, we ask that you follow these guidelines when leaving a comment on our blog:

Respect and Courtesy:

  • Be respectful: Treat all participants in the conversation with respect, regardless of their opinions. Avoid personal attacks, insults, offensive language, or any kind of discriminatory language.
  • Stay on topic: Your comments should be relevant to the topic of the post. Avoid going off-topic or starting irrelevant discussions.
  • Be constructive: Contribute to the discussion with clear and well-founded arguments. Criticism is welcome, as long as it is constructive and respectful.


  • Hate speech: We do not tolerate any kind of hate speech, whether based on race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, or any other personal characteristic.
  • Spam: Do not use the comments to promote products, services, or links to other websites, unless they are directly related to the topic of the post and have been previously authorized by us.
  • Offensive language: Avoid using swear words, insults, or any other vulgar language.
  • Personal information: Do not disclose personal information about third parties without their permission.
  • Plagiarism: Do not copy and paste content from other sources without citing the original author.

Comment Moderation:

  • Review: All comments are moderated before being published.
  • Removal: Comments that violate this comments policy will be removed without prior notice.
  • Banning: In cases of repeated or serious violations, the user may be banned from the site.

Other Considerations:

  • Responsibility: You are solely responsible for the content of your comments.
  • Copyright: By posting a comment, you grant EdgeCompute a non-exclusive license to use and distribute it.
  • Changes: This comments policy may be updated at any time.

By participating in our discussions, you agree to follow these guidelines. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a positive and enriching online environment.

Remember: The goal of our blog is to promote open and constructive debate on relevant topics. By following these rules, you contribute to the creation of a more engaged and respectful online community.

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